It’s About Time

It’s been a while since I’ve written something on my blog. I will take this chance to inform my readers that I’ll be changing the contents of this blog from now on. I’ve always leaned on topics concerning Psychology.

Psychology is an interesting field. The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Yes, I’ve been fascinated with the mind, that is why I took up this field of study. Because the Mind is appealing to me. There’s so much untapped power, a potential for transformation. I want to be a notable individual who guides people to achieve their transformation. Psychology was that line of study, so I thought.

Then came my interest in Hypnosis. What I’ve been longing for that I was searching for Psychology, was found in Hypnosis. While Psychology may be able to address the Conscious mind to transform, Hypnosis on the other hand specializes in the Subconscious mind for a person to transform. I want to cover both sides of the same coin on this pursuit.

A huge chunk of Hypnosis and my journey in learning Hypnosis will be recorded in this blog. I also changed my blog name and the color of it to embrace the change. That’s why I named my blog, Mastermind, because to have a mastery over the mind, one can be transformed in unprecedented ways.

I’m also looking forward to doing Stage Hypnosis. Perhaps this must be the gateway to my path to Mentalism, but I want to focus on the Hypnotherapy aspect. I want to heal people, transform them to be at their best. This will be my contribution to the world, but before I venture into such, I must learn all there is.

I want to religiously report on my progress in this shadow subject that I’m taking. This blog will also serve as an information bank for those who want to learn Hypnosis with the same background as I am. The more relatable the content, the better.

Published by Savipra

Certified Hypnotherapist (C.Ht.) specializing in conversational hypnosis and Licensed Psychometrician (RPm) with expertise in personality psychology. My anthem: At my highest value, I deliver Sagacious Insights.

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