Am I Ready? I Will Be Ready

Going through an adversity at the moment regarding family is not a tiny matter to ignore. Accepting the fate that is waiting for me, soon I must part ways from the family I’ve grown and build a place of my own. The question that continues to echo my doubts and fears, “Am I ready?” It is for certain that a lot of people experience more complicated things in life, but it does not mean we’re ought to compare.

Although I am aware of such comparisons, it cannot be helped but to feel dread as the days go by, nearing the time that I must establish my own. To say I am not ready, yes I fully admit, but I am strengthening my resolve to commit to a decision that awaits me.

It is quite saddening, as the prospect of finding a new found someone to look forward to, I may not be in such position to spend time. As I am focused on the preparation for the deadline set by my step-father. I only have gratitude to what he has done to my life, I could not have received such opportunities of improving myself if it weren’t for him and my mother. Learning from his past, he serves as a role model for me to set up how I would become as I start to establish my own independence.

The only attitude I set from here on up to that day is gratitude. What you think about — and thank about — you bring about. And it is quite the challenge for me, as a test of my character and my ideals. How formidable does my dream stand up to that challenge? It is about time I prepare and prove myself as worthy of an independence such as that.

Published by Savipra

Certified Hypnotherapist (C.Ht.) specializing in conversational hypnosis and Licensed Psychometrician (RPm) with expertise in personality psychology. My anthem: At my highest value, I deliver Sagacious Insights.

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